Welcome to Pagan Rap
Latest Happenings
Pagan.World in Beta

I have the honor on being on the team creating Pagan.World. This project, we are building an Online Directory of all things Pagan. Making connections for Pagans on a global scale, by focusing on Local Communities, Click the link below to get more info about listing yourself, your business or service, temple, coven, or Workshops.
Misconceptions is Available on Bandcamp!!!

My debut Album Misconceptions is now available for download on my Bandcamp Page, click the button below to give it a listen and download it today!
New Podcast Witchcraft Grenade!
Cloud and his good friend and fellow sister in the craft Lady Bookdragon have come together to bring you a fun a relaxed Podcast talking about pagan topics and interviews with Pagan Authors Musicians, Content Creators and much much more! Available on all streaming and podcast platforms!
Airplay on KPPR Pure Pagan Radio

The management at KPPR Pure Pagan Radio have been kind enough to begin playing my sample tracks on their station! I can't thank them enough!!! It was very surreal to hear myself on the Radio the first time! Go give their station a listen and support this great organization, providing us pagans with free pagan music throughout our days!
I have joined the Team at International Pagan Radio

I have recently agreed to a position with International Pagan Radio as thier YouTube Host! Feel free to see the content I have been creating Spotlights on IPR artists. So go and check it out!
Your friendly Neighborhood Pagan Rapper

Up and running!!!! The gods are good! Proud to announce my first EP that is getting the finishing touches and should be available soon! Until then please feel free to check out some of the sample tracks on Reverbnation, or on my shiny new YouTube channel!!
I am so excited to be beginning this journey! The Goddess is with me as is the God as I step into this unknown but ever so familiar territory!!
Thank you to all who visit, listens and supports me in this venture into the Pagan Music Community! Blessed Be!